AdSense blogging Social Media TechBiz

How to Triple Your Site Traffic with the 3 Keys of an SEO Blog Post

My website traffic tripled yesterday!

Once again the 3 keys are:
1. Use adwords to tell you which words are expensive.
2. Use the expensive adwords in your post. In this case, “make money with adsense,” is worth $1.50 per click.
3. Blast your social network using something like .

2 replies on “How to Triple Your Site Traffic with the 3 Keys of an SEO Blog Post”

Thank you — helpful information!

Can I setup an adwords account if I don’t have the intent to create an ad? It’s more for the purposes laid out in this post (to increase site traffic)

Ya, you can… just make sure you don’t run a campaign. You’re just using AdWords to figure out which words are expensive, and the expensive words are what you want to use in a post.

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