Announcements sysadmin WebApps

A Cross Platform Browser, Windows 2003 EC2 AMI

I recently created a cross platform browser, Windows 2003 EC2 AMI: ami-69739500

It has the following pre-installed:

  • gvim
  • IE 7
  • Firefox 3 with Web Developer, yslow & Firebug
  • opera
  • Putty SSH
  • Putty SCP

Pretty much with that list you’re all set to do troubleshooting for cross platform browser issues.

There’s IIS 6.0 and SQL Server, too.

I’ve linked the password to this ami at . It’s a short-coming of Windows AMIs on EC2 that I have to link the password, so please change it once you get into the instance.

Social Media TechBiz WebApps

Ubiquity puts the World at your Finger Tips

Ever wanted to edit, save, Twitter, Friend-feed, email, add to your calendar, and yelp a web page without doing much typing?

The Ubiquity plug-in does just that!

So far with Ubiquity, I’ve been able to automatically send emails of interesting webpages to friends without cutting and pasting, look up weather, Twitter, and Friend-feed. The last time I used a tool this cool was SocialBrowse.

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