
#php on harbors a racist coder

16:43 < barce> @niklas` i’m writing a connect4 game, and noticed that when i traverse
diagonals acutely or gravely, the only diff between the functions is their
operators: “>=” or “<=". 16:43 < barce> “++” or “–”
16:44 < barce> so instead of if ($x < $limit) $x++; i want to define an operator before hand. 16:44 < barce> e.g. $op = “++”; if ($x < $limit) $x{$op}; 16:44 <+impl> so you save one line of code?
16:45 <@horros> Now why the hell would you want to do that?
16:45 <@feti> i’m successfully confused
16:45 < barce> ya. why not?
16:45 <+impl> because it’s stupid
16:45 < barce> why is it stupid?
16:45 <+impl> Because you would have to implement runtime operator resolution so that you
don’t have to have an else { } block
16:45 < barce> not being curious is stupid.
16:46 < barce> right.
16:46 < barce> that would be pretty hard to do.
16:46 <@horros> No, being curious is good.
16:46 < barce> so i’m asking if there’s a language like that.
16:46 <+impl> I’m sure you could nigger rig it in ruby

Please, come on down to #php and let this impl dude know what a blight to humanity he is.

10 replies on “#php on harbors a racist coder”

Just found out this guy is a php internals coder. OMG!

17:08 < barce> is anyone here a php internals coder?
17:08 <+impl> you need a backlight
17:09 < Biber> impl, I assume that the white background would emit light =)
17:09 <@feti> barce: all the + users

Dear sir,

I am hereby informing you that you have been trolled.

I sincerely hope you exercise your brain cells from now on as they seem to be the most lazy bunch I’ve ever faced.

Thank you for your time and all the laughs from your idiotic attitude.

If you think impl is racist for that comment; I have some logs that would have you demanding his head on a stick. You really need to think about whether you are ready to be on internet chat or not. Especially EFNet’s #php.

A list of things that I commonly see in that channel.
– Racism
– Sexism
– Gayism
– Hate Crimes
– ASCII Art Ponies with huge penises (in full color).
And So Much More…

It is trolling from the other side… stop being a baby and get over it.

P.S. It isn’t like he called you a “Nigger”, he used a slang term “Nigger Rig” which means to do a quick fix to something (usually fast and works but not the best way to do something).

impl is about as black as I am.

Of course, I’m a terrorist, and a channel op. Take it or leave it.

lol… I just stumbled across this post looking for some #php logs…

To add a little context … the guy you were trying to publicly shame in 2008, … I don’t think he was even old enough to drive when you wrote this. You were trying to publicly shame a teenager.

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